The Baccarat Hotels Membership

Illuminate an unparalleled Baccarat Hotels experience by joining our exclusive membership carefully designed to elevate every occasion.


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Uncover Unexpected Delights

The moment you join the Baccarat Hotels Membership and share some details about yourself, you’ll uncover unparalleled experiences steeped in unexpected delights and individually inspired brilliance. From birthday and anniversary indulgences to exclusive booking offers, your membership will continue to surprise you—much like a crystal of a trillion shimmering facets.

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Limitless Luxury Is a Few Taps Away

With the Baccarat Hotels App, keep limitless luxury in the palm of your hand. Instantaneously, you can edit your preferences, review your benefits, curate your itineraries, access mobile check-in, discover the unparalleled history and beauty of Baccarat, and so much more.